on campus: 314-935-5555 off campus emergency: 911

Crime Log

August 7, 2022
Security Memo-Robbery
6200 block Delmar

Date/Time Occured

08/07/2022 at 8:00 PM


Earlier today, WUPD learned of an armed robbery that took place at or about 8:00 p.m. last night, 08/07/2022, at a business in the 6200 block of Delmar. A male subject, who had apparently been loitering in the area, approached the register. The subject displayed a small black revolver and demanded money from the clerk. The clerk put money in a bag and the suspect exited the store and fled north on North Skinker.

There were no reported injuries as a result of this incident.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating


Be alert to your surroundings.
• Report suspicious persons or activity to the Police.
• If you are confronted by a thief, give them what they want and don’t chase them as they leave. Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to the Police.
• Be extra cautious if someone approaches you or your vehicle and asks for information or if someone asks to use your cell phone.
• Download the WashUSafe App.

August 5, 2022
Security Memo-Vehicle Theft
6100 blk Pershing

Date/Time Occured

08/05/2022 at 6:00 PM


On 08/05/2022 at 8:42pm, an employee reported to WUPD that at 6:00pm they had parked their Hyundai Tucson behind their apartment in the 6100 block of Pershing Avenue. Upon returning at 8:15pm, the employee observed that someone had stolen their vehicle. It is unclear exactly how access was gained to the vehicle but it is possible that it was left unsecure at the time it was parked. The employee immediately reported the incident to the St. Louis City Police and to WUPD.
The St. Louis City Police are investigating this incident. WUPD will be conducting increased patrols in the area.
Local police municipalities have recently reported an increase in motor vehicle thefts of Kia and Hyundai brand vehicles.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating


• Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light telephone.
• If you hear a vehicle alarm, contact Police immediately.
• Do not leave expensive property such as laptops, CD’s, purses, radar detectors, cellular telephones and portable stereos in plain view in your vehicle. Lock them in your trunk or take them with you.
• Do not leave loose change visible.
• Park in a well-lit area or as close to a light as possible.
• Lock your vehicle.
• Consider purchasing an anti-theft device for your vehicle.

August 4, 2022
Crime Alert-Criminal Activity
600 blk N. Skinker

Date/Time Occured

08/04/2022 at 9:22 PM


At 9:22 pm on 08/04/2022, WUPD received a report of two (2) vehicles that had been broken into in the 600 block of North Skinker. In this instance, personal items were reportedly stolen.

At 11:00 pm on 08/04/2022, a WUPD officer on patrol was informed that six (6) vehicles had been broken into on a parking lot in the area of the 6100 block of Delmar. When this incident occurred, the victims were attending a concert at a local venue. The victims reported miscellaneous personal items stolen.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating both incidents. WUPD will be conducting increased patrols in the area.

WUPD has issued several security memos in the past month related to car thefts and break-ins. Local police municipalities have recently reported an increase in motor vehicle break-ins across the St. Louis region.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating


Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to Police at 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency telephone.
• If you hear a vehicle alarm, contact Police immediately.
• Do not leave expensive property such as laptops, CD’s, purses, radar detectors, cellular telephones and portable stereos in plain view in your vehicle. Lock them in your trunk or take them with you.
• Park in a well-lit area or as close to a light as possible.
• Lock your vehicle

August 1, 2022
Shandeling Dorm

Date/Time Reported

08/01/2022 at 6:53 AM

Date/Time Occured

08/01/2022 at 6:53 AM to 08/01/2022 at 6:53 AM


Contractors working in the building reported unknown subjects were in the lower level of the dorm when they arrived for work. Officers arrested 6 subjects for burglary.


Cleared by arrest

Report Number


July 30, 2022

Date/Time Reported

07/30/2022 at 2:33 PM

Date/Time Occured

07/30/2022 at 12:00 PM to 07/30/2022 at 2:23 PM


Complainant reports the theft of his bicycle from the north side of Rebstock. Loss $850



Report Number


July 26, 2022
Security Memo-Criminal Activity
700 blk Rosedale

Date/Time Occured

07/26/2022 at 7:00 PM


It was reported to WUPD that between 7:00pm and 10:30pm on 07/26/2022, six (6) vehicles were broken into in the area of the 700 block of Rosedale. When this incident occurred, the victims were attending a concert at a local venue. The victims reported miscellaneous personal items stolen.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating. WUPD will be conducting increased patrols in the area.

WUPD has issued several security memos in the past month related to car thefts and break-ins. Local police municipalities have recently reported an increase in motor vehicle break-ins across the St. Louis region.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating


Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to Police at 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency telephone.
• If you hear a vehicle alarm, contact Police immediately.
• Do not leave expensive property such as laptops, CD’s, purses, radar detectors, cellular telephones and portable stereos in plain view in your vehicle. Lock them in your trunk or take them with you.
• Park in a well-lit area or as close to a light as possible.
• Lock your vehicle

July 17, 2022
Security Memo-Stolen Auto
500 blk Kingsland

Date/Time Occured

07/17/2022 at 6:50 PM


Incident Related Information
On 07/17/2022 at 6:50pm, a student reported to WUPD that at 2:30pm they had parked and secured their Hyundai Elantra in the 500 block of Kingsland. Upon returning at 6:50pm the student observed glass on the ground and their vehicle gone. The student immediately reported the incident to University City PD and to WUPD.
Within the last few weeks, there have been three reports of vehicles stolen in the University City area. They have all been Hyundai or Kia brand vehicles.
Local police municipalities have recently reported an increase in motor vehicle thefts of Kia and Hyundai brand vehicles.


University City is investigating these incidents. WUPD will be conducting increased patrols in the area.


Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light telephone.
• If you hear a vehicle alarm, contact Police immediately.
• Do not leave expensive property such as laptops, CD’s, purses, radar detectors, cellular telephones and portable
stereos in plain view in your vehicle. Lock them in your trunk or take them with you.
• Do not leave loose change visible.
• Park in a well-lit area or as close to a light as possible.
• Lock your vehicle.
• Consider purchasing an anti-theft device for your vehicle.

July 11, 2022

Date/Time Reported

07/12/2022 at 7:44 AM

Date/Time Occured

07/11/2022 at 7:30 PM to 07/12/2022 at 7:30 AM


Complainant reports the theft of his bicycle overnight. Loss $750



Report Number


July 7, 2022

Date/Time Reported

07/07/2022 at 11:17 AM

Date/Time Occured

07/07/2022 at 8:23 AM to 07/07/2022 at 8:28 AM


2 unknown suspects stole landscaping equipment from the Focal Point truck. Loss $1500



Report Number


July 1, 2022
Lien Garage

Date/Time Reported

07/27/2022 at 4:51 PM

Date/Time Occured

07/01/2022 at 4:00 PM to 07/27/2022 at 3:15 PM


Complainant reported a missing license plate. Unknown where or when the plate was lost or stolen.



Report Number


Showing 341 - 350 of 588