We partnered with STOP (Security Tracking of Office Property) to provide a low-cost option that deters the theft of your computer or other valuables and identifies ownership when lost/stolen items are recovered.

The STOP system utilizes a patented security plate that is affixed to your equipment with adhesive so strong that removal of the plate will physically alter the case.
- Each security plate bears a unique barcode and a toll-free telephone number to call in case lost or stolen equipment is found.
- During installation of each security plate, a permanent tattoo that also bears the toll-free number, is chemically etched into the equipment. This tattoo cannot be removed without marking or defacing the case.
- Each security plate bears a warning that the tattoo has been etched into the equipment. The combination of the security plate and tattoo act to deter theft, as the equipment cannot be profitably resold.
- Each barcode number, along with the make, model, serial number and owner of the item it is affixed to, is registered with STOP.
Purchase payment can be made by check or student account only.
Should you lose a piece of equipment
A call to the toll-free number yields quick and easy ownership verification.
STOP can help you register the loss with local police, the FBI and INTERPOL. STOP also handles the return of lost equipment to its rightful owner.
To request an appointment for STOP tag installation, please complete the STOP Tag Installation request form or contact Sergeant Zohaib “Zack” Khan at zkhan@wustl.edu.