Free Vehicle Inspections
Want to make sure your vehicle is ready for winter? WUPD and Parking Services, in partnership with Woodard’s Automotive, will sponsor free vehicle inspections to make sure your car...
More DetailsWant to make sure your vehicle is ready for winter? WUPD and Parking Services, in partnership with Woodard’s Automotive, will sponsor free vehicle inspections to make sure your car...
More DetailsHelp WashU earn designation as a Bicycle Friendly University by filling out this survey! WashU is currently certified as a Bicycle Friendly University at the Silver Level by the League of American...
More DetailsWASHU Safe App is FREE and offers updated features to address and promote student, faculty and staff safety on campus, including important safety alerts and access to campus safety...
More DetailsZach Dunbar started with the University in August of 1981 where he worked in Parking and Transportation as a bus driver. In his role as a bus driver, Zach...
More DetailsUPDATE: With our community and staff in mind, WUPD is temporarily modifying some our services conducted inside the station. Fingerprinting services will be temporarily suspended until further notice. We...
More DetailsCOVID-19 Updates can be found at A COVID-19 Information Hotline has been opened for the University Local: (314) 935-8300 Out of Area: (888) 234-2863 Please remember to complete...
More Details@WashUPolice Stay up-to-date with WUPD! Follow us today!
More DetailsThe University makes the safety and security of our community a priority. See Chancellor Martin’s letter, outlining the latest updates to our Safety and Security initiatives here
More DetailsWashU Police teaches the R.A.D. Self-Defense System to students, staff and faculty. R.A.D. is comprised of easy-to-learn, effective physical defense techniques. New classes are coming up in September and...
More DetailsNever leave your laptop, tablet, cell phone, purse or other valuables unattended or out of your line of sight. This includes dining areas, the library, common study areas, or...
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