on campus: 314-935-5555 off campus emergency: 911

Crime Alerts

March 12, 2022
Security Memo-Burglary
6000 blk Waterman

Date/Time Occured

03/12/2022 at 7:30 PM


Around 7:30pm this evening, a student living in a private apartment in the 6000 block of Waterman came home and was parking his vehicle behind his apartment when he observed a male subject climbing out of the 1st floor window of his apartment. The student confronted the subject and the subject ran from the scene. The student later recovered two book bags, but two watches that were taken. The subject was seen driving away from the area in a vehicle that was parked in the 6000 block of McPherson.

It appears the subject entered and exited the apartment through an improperly functioning window.


The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is investigating. The Washington University Police Department is assisting in the investigation.


Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light telephone.
• Lock your door, even when you are at home.
• Lock the windows to your apartment when closed, even if you are home. Close and lock windows when you leave your apartment.
• Remove objects such as coolers, chairs and small tables from outside your apartment. These objects may assist someone to easily access windows.
• If you have a sliding glass door, secure it further by placing a piece of wood in the track to prevent it from opening.
• Never prop open exterior doors or gates. If you see a door propped, close it.
• Don’t allow people you do not know to “tailgate” behind you into the building.
• When someone knocks at your door, don’t open it unless you know your visitor or you can confirm that the person should be in the building.
• If you arrive home to find your door ajar, hear unusual sounds or believe your apartment has been broken into, DON’T GO IN! Go to a telephone and call the Police.
• If you have security or safety concerns about your apartment or building facilities, discuss this information with your landlord.
Consider installing a personal surveillance monitoring device on the entrance to your apartment.
• When you are away from your residence, leave your interior lights on.

March 9, 2022
Security Memo-Burglary
6600 blk Kingsbury

Date/Time Occured

03/09/2022 at 10:10 PM


A student and his roommate, an alumnus of the university, reported that at or about 10:10 pm on 03/09/2022, their private apartment in the 6600 block of Kingsbury Blvd. was burglarized. The roommate reported being in the apartment when he thought he heard someone moving around in the student's bedroom. The roommate never saw the person who made the noise. The student returned to the apartment a short time later and observed that someone had entered and exited his bedroom through an unsecure, ground floor window. Upon checking his room, the student discovered that a pair of shoes and jewelry was taken.


University City is investigating


Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light telephone.
• Lock your door, even when you are at home.
• Lock the windows to your apartment when closed, even if you are home. Close and lock windows when you leave your apartment.
• Remove objects such as coolers, chairs and small tables from outside your apartment. These objects may assist someone to easily access windows.
• If you have a sliding glass door, secure it further by placing a piece of wood in the track to prevent it from opening.
• Never prop open exterior doors or gates. If you see a door propped, close it.
• Don’t allow people you do not know to “tailgate” behind you into the building.
• When someone knocks at your door, don’t open it unless you know your visitor or you can confirm that the person should be in the building.
• If you arrive home to find your door ajar, hear unusual sounds or believe your apartment has been broken into, DON’T GO IN! Go to a telephone and call the Police.
• If you have security or safety concerns about your apartment or building facilities, discuss this information with your landlord.
• Consider installing a personal surveillance monitoring device on the entrance to your apartment.
• When you are away from your residence, leave your interior lights on.

February 28, 2022
Security Memo
6100 Bk Delmar

Date/Time Occured

02/28/2022 at 12:15 AM



It appears that there was an altercation between unknown subjects outside of an establishment in the 6100 block of Delmar that resulted in numerous shots being fired.
The on-site investigation has been completed by St. Louis Metro Police Department. It is unclear if there were any injuries. There does not appear to be any WashU involvement in the incident.
WUPD officers will remain in the area to assist any community members. For any assistance, call WUPD Dispatch at 314-935-5555.

At approximately 12:15 am, there was a report of numerous "shots fired" outside of an establishment in the 6100 block of Delmar.
The St. Louis Metro Police are investigating this incident.
Please avoid the area due to the ongoing police investigation.


Avoid the area at this time
Contact WUPD if you witnessed the incident or discover any damage

February 1, 2022
Security Memo-Robbery
6600 blk Clemens

Date/Time Occured

02/01/2022 at 3:18 PM


At approximately 3:18 pm today, a female student was walking to her vehicle which was parked behind her private apartment in the 6600 block of Clemens Ave. As the student approached her vehicle, she observed a male subject walking down the alley towards her. The subject passed the student and then turned around and walked back towards the student. The subject then lifted his shirt, displaying a handgun tucked inside the waistband of his pants. The subject demanded the student’s car keys and cell phone. The student complied with the subject’s demands and gave up the requested items. The subject then got in the vehicle and drove away from the scene.

There were no reported injuries as a result of this incident


University City Police Department is investigating


Be alert to your surroundings. Do not sit in your car to text or use electronic devices, and be observant while walking. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction; go to the other side of the street and yell or whistle for help; or head quickly to a lighted area, a group of people, or business.
• Carry a whistle to summon help.
• Be extra cautious if someone approaches you or your vehicle and asks for information or if someone asks to use your cell phone.
• If you are confronted by a thief, give them what they want and don’t chase them as they leave. Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to the Police.
• Consider using Metro’s public transportation system or using the WashU Campus Shuttle system if appropriate. For more information visit the Transportation Options page at transportation.wustl.edu.
• Download the WashUSafe App.

January 27, 2022
Security Memo-Robbery
6200 blk Cabanne

Date/Time Occured

01/27/2022 at 12:50 PM


At approximately 12:50 pm today, two female students were sitting in a parked car in the 6200 block of Cabanne Ave. when four male subjects approached the vehicle from behind. One of the subjects displayed a handgun and ordered the students to exit the vehicle. One student, who was seat belted in her seat was forcefully removed from the vehicle. The subjects then got into the vehicle and drove away from the scene.
There were no reported injuries as a result of this incident.


The University City Police Department is investigating. The Washington University Police Department is assisting in the investigation.


Be alert to your surroundings. Do not sit in your car to text or use electronic devices, and be observant while walking. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction; go to the other side of the street and yell or whistle for help; or head quickly to a lighted area, a group of people, or business.
• Carry a whistle to summon help.
• Be extra cautious if someone approaches you or your vehicle and asks for information or if someone asks to use your cell phone.
• If you are confronted by a thief, give them what they want and don’t chase them as they leave. Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to the Police.
• Consider using Metro’s public transportation system or using the WashU Campus Shuttle system if appropriate. For more information visit the Transportation Options page at transportation.wustl.edu.
• Download the WashUSafe App.

January 21, 2022
Security Memo-Burglary
700 blk Westgate

Date/Time Occured

01/21/2022 at 4:30 PM


A student reported that he and his three roommates, who are also students, were having a gathering with five other students in their private apartment in the 700 Block of Westgate. While the students were in the front living room of the apartment, an unknown individual stood on a table outside of the building and opened an unlocked 1st floor window. The individual climbed through the window into a bedroom. Once inside, the subject stole a set of car keys and a wallet belonging to one of the students living in the apartment. The subject then climbed back out the same window and left the area in the student’s vehicle. No one who was present in the apartment saw or heard anything suspicious.

Since the reporting of this incident, the student’s vehicle has been recovered by local law enforcement.


University City Police is investigating


Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light telephone.
• Lock your door, even when you are at home.
• Lock the windows to your apartment when closed, even if you are home. Close and lock windows when you leave your apartment.
• Remove objects such as coolers, chairs and small tables from outside your apartment. These objects may assist someone to easily access windows.
• If you have a sliding glass door, secure it further by placing a piece of wood in the track to prevent it from opening.
• Never prop open exterior doors or gates. If you see a door propped, close it.
• Don’t allow people you do not know to “tailgate” behind you into the building.
• When someone knocks at your door, don’t open it unless you know your visitor or you can confirm that the person should be in the building.
• If you arrive home to find your door ajar, hear unusual sounds or believe your apartment has been broken into, DON’T GO IN! Go to a telephone and call the Police.
• If you have security or safety concerns about your apartment or building facilities, discuss this information with your landlord.
• Consider installing a personal surveillance monitoring device on the entrance to your apartment.
• When you are away from your residence, leave your interior lights on.

January 13, 2022
Security Memo-Robbery
6000 block Pershing

Date/Time Occured

01/13/2022 at 12:39 PM


At approximately 12:39 pm today, a student reported that she was sitting in her parked car in the 6000 block of Pershing Ave. when three male subjects approached the car. The subjects forcefully removed the student from her vehicle and pushed her to the ground. The subjects went through the student’s pockets and took her cellphone, credit card and car keys. The subjects fled from the area on foot. The student’s car keys were recovered a short time later. There were no reported weapons involved.
There were no reported injuries as a result of this incident.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating, WUPD is assisting


Be alert to your surroundings. Do not sit in your car to text or use electronic devices, and be observant while walking. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction; go to the other side of the street and yell or whistle for help; or head quickly to a lighted area, a group of people, or business.
• Carry a whistle to summon help.
• Be extra cautious if someone approaches you or your vehicle and asks for information or if someone asks to use your cell phone.
• If you are confronted by a thief, give them what they want and don’t chase them as they leave. Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to the Police.
• Consider using Metro’s public transportation system or using the WashU Campus Shuttle system if appropriate. For more information visit the Transportation Options page at transportation.wustl.edu.
• Download the WashUSafe App.

December 17, 2021
Security Memo-Burglary
6100 blk Waterman

Date/Time Occured

12/17/2021 at 6:40 AM


A student reported that he left his private apartment in the 6100 block of Waterman Blvd at 10:30 pm on 12/16/2021. The student indicated that when he left, he left the front door unlocked. The students’ two roommates, both students as well, remained inside the apartment. When the student returned to the apartment at 10:00 am on 12/17/2021, he discovered that his backpack was missing. The bag contained the student’s laptop and iPad. The two students who were home at the time of the incident did not report seeing or hearing anything unusual.

The students did have a video system set up at the apartment. Early this morning, an unknown male subject was observed entering the unlocked front door and exiting through the same door wearing a backpack.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating


Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light telephone.
• Lock your door, even when you are at home.
• Lock the windows to your apartment when closed, even if you are home. Close and lock windows when you leave your apartment.
• Remove objects such as coolers, chairs and small tables from outside your apartment. These objects may assist someone to easily access windows.
• If you have a sliding glass door, secure it further by placing a piece of wood in the track to prevent it from opening.
• Never prop open exterior doors or gates. If you see a door propped, close it.
• Don’t allow people you do not know to “tailgate” behind you into the building.
• When someone knocks at your door, don’t open it unless you know your visitor or you can confirm that the person should be in the building.
• If you arrive home to find your door ajar, hear unusual sounds or believe your apartment has been broken into, DON’T GO IN! Go to a telephone and call the Police.
• If you have security or safety concerns about your apartment or building facilities, discuss this information with your landlord.
• Consider installing a personal surveillance monitoring device on the entrance to your apartment.
• When you are away from your residence, leave your interior lights on.

December 14, 2021
Security Memo
6000 blk Washington Ave

Date/Time Occured

12/14/2021 at 7:35 PM


Two students reported that at 11:00am on 12/14/2021, they left their private apartment in the 6000 block of Washington Blvd. When they returned to their apartment at 12:50 am on 12/15/2021, they discovered that someone had entered their apartment. Upon checking the apartment, the students discovered that several pairs of shoes, an iPad, debit cards and US currency was taken. There were no obvious signs of forced entry. It is unclear at this time how the subject gained access to the apartment.

The students did have a video system set up in their apartment and an unknown subject was observed walking around inside the residence earlier in the evening.


St. Louis Metro Police Department is investigating


Report suspicious activity immediately to Police at 911 or go to the nearest emergency blue light
• Lock your door, even when you are at home.
• Lock the windows to your apartment when closed, even if you are home. Close and lock windows when
you leave your apartment.
• Remove objects such as coolers, chairs and small tables from outside your apartment. These objects
may assist someone to easily access windows.
• If you have a sliding glass door, secure it further by placing a piece of wood in the track to prevent it
from opening.
• Never prop open exterior doors or gates. If you see a door propped, close it.
• Don’t allow people you do not know to “tailgate” behind you into the building.
• When someone knocks at your door, don’t open it unless you know your visitor or you can confirm that
the person should be in the building.
• If you arrive home to find your door ajar, hear unusual sounds or believe your apartment has been
broken into, DON’T GO IN! Go to a telephone and call the Police.
• If you have security or safety concerns about your apartment or building facilities, discuss this
information with your landlord.
• Consider installing a personal surveillance monitoring device on the entrance to your apartment.
• When you are away from your residence, leave your interior lights on

November 27, 2021
Security Memo-Robbery
700 blk Eastgate

Date/Time Occured

11/27/2021 at 7:10 PM


At approximately 7:10 pm, a student reported that he parked his car in the 700 block of Eastgate Ave. The student and his passenger (also a student) exited the vehicle. The passenger indicated that they saw 4 male subjects in the parking lot when they got out of the car. The two students started to walk south along Eastgate when they heard someone call out to them from behind. When the students stopped, they were approached by the four subjects from the parking lot. One of the subjects produced a handgun and demanded the student driver’s car keys. The student gave up his keys and the subjects ran north to where the car was parked. The subjects took the vehicle and drove away from the area in an unknown direction.

There were no reported injuries as a result of this incident.


University City is investigating


Be alert to your surroundings. Do not sit in your car to text or use electronic devices, and be observant while walking. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction; go to the other side of the street and yell or whistle for help; or head quickly to a lighted area, a group of people, or business
• Carry a whistle to summon help.
• Be extra cautious if someone approaches you or your vehicle and asks for information or if someone asks to use your cell phone.
• If you are confronted by a thief, give them what they want and don’t chase them as they leave. Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to the Police.
• Consider using Metro’s public transportation system. For more information visit the Transportation Options page at transportation.wustl.edu.
• Download the WashU Safety App.

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